Whether you’re celebrating Christmas in the balmy summer sun, or cosily indoors away from the winter cold – we hope that you’re reflecting on a year of growth and joy (even if it is amidst sorrow and hardships). We hope you get to spend extra time with loved ones and revel in the magic of this season.
At Knysna Sedgefield Hospice, we’re definitely celebrating the season with warm weather, outdoor living and a whole lot of cheer! It’s been a tough but generosity-fuelled year for us. We’ve seen highs and lows, and are grateful to come out the other side still smiling, still caring!
We’re looking forward to 2024 with great anticipation. Our staff and board recently set out on the adventure of strategic planning – many ideas were sparked and plans were made. We can’t wait to get the ball rolling in the new year!
On that note, please be aware that our offices are closed and will reopen on the 2nd of January 2024. Rest assured, our patients are still well-cared for during this time.
This is our last email for 2023 (can you believe it!?) and so we wanted to convey our gratitude once more, and share one last story with you….
More than just healthcare
We’ve said it many times, but it never gets old – palliative care is about more than just illness and death. It is about dignity and quality of life, about making dreams come true – whether large or small. It is about reconciliation, redemption and full support for a person and their family.
The wedding bells that rang out last week remind us of this truth.
Last Thursday one of our patients got married to his partner of 30 years. While many obstacles stood in their way of getting married before this, as the end of his life approaches due to his terminal illness, they wanted to fulfil this dream. And so, Knysna Sedgefield Hospice stepped in to help them navigate the hurdles and orchestrate a simple yet beautiful wedding.
Through Sister Caroline and Jordi’s willingness to help they tracked down a friend of the patient who got paperwork from home affairs in Pretoria, they set the date with the Father, and they used the couple’s small budget to organise a cake and refreshments. The ceremony in their own home was emotional, bitter-sweet and beautiful. It was dignifying. It was more than healthcare, it was hospice care!
Always Grateful
Thanking you will never grow old for us – so for the last time in 2023, we want to say
Simple words can’t quite express our gratitude and thankful hearts. We hope you feel our love and gratefulness! Together we have truly made a difference to over 1 200 people living in and around Knysna. Together we’ve made the Garden Route truly beautiful – thank you!
Wishing you all the happiest memories this festive season!
The Knysna Sedgefield Hospice Team
P.s. In case you need last minute gift ideas, we’ll just leave these here:
A Donation on Behalf of the Person Who Has Everything:
Bank Details available here: Nedbank Knysna (198-765) | Acc Name: Knysna Sedgefield Hospice | Acc No. 1089003145 | Reference: your name + cell number
A Gift Voucher for Our Second-Hand Shops:
Buy your vouchers at either of our stores or at our offices.
A Sweepstakes Voucher for Cash Prizes While Making a Difference:
Reply to this email to arrange your gift care. More details and the form available here